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Edital JPI/Confap/Fapeal Nº14 2017 – Water JPI Transnational Joint Call

Descrição: In the framework of the Coordination and Support Action IC4WATER, approved by the European Commission, within Horizon 2020, with the coordination of the Water Joint Programming Initiative, hereafter referred as Water JPI, and with the participation of Confap, a Joint Call for transnational collaborative projects on research and innovation to support the implementation of water policies is launched;  The State Funding Agency of Alagoas participates in the Joint Call;  The Joint Call is open to researchers linked to Higher Education and Research Institutions located in the State of Alagoas.

Programa: Joint Call for Proposals Water JPI – CONFAP

Prazo de inscrições:

Pre-Proposals 11/12/2017

Full Proposals 27/06/2018 – 17h00 (CET)

